Nov 2014

The Online Library of Law and Liberty’s: Flemming Rose on the Aftermath of the Mohammed Cartoon Crisis

This next podcast is with the Danish journalist Flemming Rose, foreign news editor at Jyllands-Posten, on the controversy he ignited in 2005 when he published cartoons satirizing the prophet Mohammed. His new book, The Tyranny of Silence, offers his reflections on the conflagration that ensued, including a jihadist’s attempt to murder one of the cartoonists with an axe.
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The Cato Institute: A Tyranny of Silence: One Journalist’s Battle Against Modern-Day Restrictions on Free Speech

“In their effort to provide the public with information about controversial yet important world events, journalists face constant intimidation. Whether it takes an extreme form—such as beheading or death threats—or a less violent one—like government censorship or enforced political correctness—it nonetheless constricts their ability to convey truthful information about key issues.
No one knows this better than Flemming Rose.
In 2006,  the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten published 12 cartoons of the prophet Muhammad, stoking the fires of a worldwide debate about what limits—if any—should constrain freedom of speech in the 21st century.
Rose, then the paper’s culture editor, defended the decision to print the drawings, quickly becoming the target of death threats and more, all of which he recounts in his new book, published by the Cato Institute.”
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The Legal Project: The Tyranny of Silence

“Rose stated that self-censorship in Europe has worsened since the Jyllands-Posten's publication of the cartoons. Rose was confronted with numerous anti-free speech arguments. "Isn't it hurting the religious feelings of people with deeply held beliefs?" "Isn't it a smart business decision not to use language in newspapers that might offend readers?" "Isn't is just good manners not to insult someone's beliefs?" (paraphrasing) But Rose, without missing a beat, had an articulate and persuasive answer for each point. He insisted that the omission of language regarding Islam did not constitute simply a business decision, as all readers occasionally face offense. Nor did it stem from good manners, as the motivation was not to be polite. Rather, it was self-censorship based on fear and intimidation.”
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Assyrian International News Agency: Flemming Rose remains a staunch advocate for freedom of speech

The Tyranny of Silence
By Deborah Weiss and Andrew Harrod
Frontpage Magazine
Posted 2014-11-20 19:40 GMT

Flemming Rose.
Even amidst death threats and Islamist violence, Flemming Rose remains a staunch advocate for freedom of speech. In a Europe with ever-increasing speech restrictions, he argues for the equivalent of a global First Amendment.
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The Washington Post: New ‘Tyranny of Silence’ book: Danish ‘Cartoon Crisis’ editor weighs what he’d change — and what he would not

“EDITOR’S NOTE: One of the more ignorant things I occasionally hear people say in my line of work is that a certain artwork is “just a cartoon.” If they had any understanding of the hot thunderclap power of a single image upon the brain’s hard-wiring, they would instead say warily, “Oh my, it’s a CARTOON.” This interview reminds of the potential potency, for good or ill, for right or wrong, of a distilled still image. – M.C.”
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NEWSMAX TV: Malzberg | Flemming Rose to discuss his new book, “The Tyranny of Silence.."

foreign editor at the Danish newspaper Jillands-Posten joins Steve to discuss his new book, “The Tyranny of Silence: How One Cartoon ignited a global debate on the future of free speech”

Peter Boyles Show - Nov 14, 2014

Flemming Rose and his book - "Tyranny of Silence"
Watch the interview

CATO Institute: A special one-on-one conversation with the author Flemming Rose

Journalists face constant intimidation. Whether it takes the extreme form of beheadings, death threats, government censorship or simply political correctness—it casts a shadow over their ability to tell a story.
Bruce Guthrie Photos: Cato Institute -- "The Tyranny of Silence" (w/Flemming Rose and Jonathan Rauch)

1070 WINA News Radio: Flemming Rose talks about the Mohammad cartoon controversy

Flemming Rose talks about the Mohammad cartoon controversy
See more at:


November 10, 2014
Flemming Rose: “While in countries where you have wide free speech, there was no
violence. And I think that speaks to the fact that if you limit the right
to publish these kinds of things, you will not -- you will not prevent
violence. It`s the other way around, you will, may even, provoke violence.”
Read the transcript to the Monday show
Watch the video

NEWSEUM: Free Speech, Cartoons and the Prophet

Jyllands-Posten cultural editor Flemming Rose defended the decision to publish the 12 cartoons. His new book, “Tyranny of Silence,” discusses his efforts in the years since to explain why. Join Rose and the Newseum Institute’s Gene Policinski for a discussion about the still-disputed decision to publish and the emerging global view on what “free speech” means. - See more at:

WNYC The Leonard Lopate Show: Setting off a Firestorm by Printing a Cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed

“When the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten published the cartoons portraying the prophet Mohammed nine years ago, Denmark found itself at the center of a global battle over the freedom of speech. The paper's culture editor, Flemming Rose, talks about his decision to print the 12 drawings and he the role he played in the debate about the limitations to freedom of speech in the 21st century. In his book The Tyranny of Silence Rose writes about the people and experiences that have influenced the way he views the world...”

Pen and Pencil Club: Danish editor Flemming Rose at P&P Nov. 12

Wednesday, Nov. 12 we are having Danish journalist and author Flemming Rose, who green-lighted the Muhammad cartoons at the Danish Newspaper Jyllands-Posten.
He will be introduced by the Daily News’ Signe Wilkinson, and he will talk about his new book ” “The Tyranny of Silence.”
C-SPAN will have cameras there, so it is not off-the-record, but it is members (and their accompanied guests) only and membership cards will be checked at the door.
Bobbi Booker will host. Event starts at 8 p.m.

Public Radio International: Cartoons of Muhammad sparked global outrage, but the man who approved them has no regrets

Flemming Rose was the Danish newspaper editor responsible for running the cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in 2005 that sparked global outrage. Now he's written a book about the episode and holds fast to his belief that publishing them was the right and necessary thing to do.
“The sins of being offended is always in the eye of the beholder. There's no such thing as an image that is offensive in and by itself...”
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