The Legal Project: The Tyranny of Silence
23/11/14 20:33 Filed in: USA | Press in English
“Rose stated that self-censorship in Europe has worsened since the Jyllands-Posten's publication of the cartoons. Rose was confronted with numerous anti-free speech arguments. "Isn't it hurting the religious feelings of people with deeply held beliefs?" "Isn't it a smart business decision not to use language in newspapers that might offend readers?" "Isn't is just good manners not to insult someone's beliefs?" (paraphrasing) But Rose, without missing a beat, had an articulate and persuasive answer for each point. He insisted that the omission of language regarding Islam did not constitute simply a business decision, as all readers occasionally face offense. Nor did it stem from good manners, as the motivation was not to be polite. Rather, it was self-censorship based on fear and intimidation.”
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