Yle Forum: Free speech in Finland
05/11/15 13:24
“Flemming Rose, Jyllands-Postenin ulkomaantoimituksen päällikkö, on ensimmäistä kertaa puhumassa Suomessa. Työskennellessään Jyllands-Postenin kulttuuripäätoimittajana vuonna 2005, Rose tilasi 40 pilapiirtäjältä profeetta Muhammadia esittäviä pilapiirroksia kokeillakseen, miten islaminuskoisten läsnäolo Tanskassa vaikuttaa sananvapauteen. Kaksitoista pilakuvaa julkaistiin Jyllands-Postenissa 30.9.2005, jonka jälkeen kohu levisi ensin Tanskassa ja myöhemmin maailmanlaajuisesti, kun ulkomaiset lehdet alkoivat myös julkaista pilakuvia. Mikä sai hänet tekemään julkaisupäätöksen, mitä siitä seurasi ja miten Rose nyt näkee sananvapauden ja oman vastuunsa?”
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Gates of Vienna: Flemming Rose - We Need “Insensitivity Training”
24/10/15 11:34
“I will talk about free speech in the globalized world. Let me start by saying that I believe that we find ourselves in a new situation when it comes to the global debate about freedom of speech, because the debate is being driven by two new factors that didn’t used to be part of the framework within which we talked about free speech.
The new factor is technology, the digital technology. That means what is being published in a small language, in a small country that very few people would read and have access to, is now being published immediately, everywhere, and people can not only read and access it, they may also react to it even five thousand kilometers away, as we experienced it during the cartoon crisis...”
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The new factor is technology, the digital technology. That means what is being published in a small language, in a small country that very few people would read and have access to, is now being published immediately, everywhere, and people can not only read and access it, they may also react to it even five thousand kilometers away, as we experienced it during the cartoon crisis...”
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